divendres, 15 de gener del 2016

Xerrada Gener 2016

Dimecres 27 de Gener, 17h i a les 19h. al CCCB i al  Bar del CCCB, 3C: http://c3bar.com/.

Aquest Gener us proposem una doble convocatòria, optativa i obligada. Quedarem primer a les 17h a la taquilla del CCCB per visitar l'exposició "+Humans". A les 19h, per aquells que ja hagin vist la exposció, al bar del CCCB, en Ned Somerville introduïrà la discussió sobre l'exposició. 

Did you like it? (Did it like you?) How would you change it? (How would it change you?)

For this Xehc! discussion we are going on a field trip to the CCCB's exposition "+HUMANS". Afterwards, you are warmly welcomed to join us for a beer and conversation about your experience in the exposition. Ned Somerville will be moderating the discussion as we develop a critical perspective on the kaleidoscope of messages we are exposed to in +HUMANS. There are a lot of loud voices in this exposition. Let's listen hard for the quiet, whispered ones.

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